Around the Rings
About Showing & Members at our shows (photos below)
The majority of our members compete in Conformation Showing with their dogs.
As breeders, this is an excellent way to showcase our dogs and to be able to provide a 'resume' for our prospective stud dog or mother of upcoming litters.
Dogs can attain titles of Australian Champion & Australian Grand Champion.
To become a Champion, the dog must attain 100 points over its show career.
To gain a Grand Champion title, a dog must attain 1000 points.
In the Show Ring,
The dogs are judged on their confirmation.
(the way they are put together) as close to the standard for that breed as possible.
Each breed has there own set standard that dogs are measured against, Our members aim to achieve this standard when breeding.
In the ring the dog must allow the judge to
- check its teeth (for bite and dentition)
- Assess its structure. This is done by feel with the judge placing their hands over the dog from head to tail.
- Check for coat quality.
The handler also asked to move the dog around the ring so that the judge can check for soundness of movement, from the side, behind and in front.
If you wish to show your puppy, there are usually Show Handling classes available in most areas. Or if you live close to your breeder, they may be able to help you out as well. You can only show your puppy with approval of your breeder (the pup must be on the Main Register). As much as a breeder will do their best to pick a pup they believe has Show Potential, unfortunately, not all puppies will grow into Grand Champions.
The club has Pointscore Competitions per year. One is the Metropolitan for Brisbane and surrounding districts, the second is the Country members Pointscore. These are yearly competitions for the members, please read the rules on the pointscore page:
Members at our shows
Note to members; if you see any photos of yourself on this page an would like a copy please contact me & I will send you a copy.
Periodicly I will need to delete older photos to make room for new ones.
Easter Show
Durack Sub Committee 31 March 2013

Easter Bunny Line up !

All Bunny's into the ring.

Is this Dancing with Dogs or Fashion Puppy?
Chillaxing by the ringside


Do I have to run with the Bunny?


Kelpie run
Now Just Stand still a little bit longer!
Oh I'm sooo over this.. |
Darling Downs Kennel Club inc.
Sat 12th & Sun 13th Jan 2013

Yep.. this dog will never make it in the Circus !

Do you like my Rosette ?

Mark so emotional over this win. It brings tears to his eyes.
OK it’s just sweat in his eyes it’s so.... hot today

Group Line up

I'm a Champ now! Can I get out of this heat...?
Joe We Will Miss You !

A great mate

Great to chat with around the ring.
Always there to support the club

Our Vice President always there.

Chief Cook at fundraisers


Team player always part of the group

Always at meetings

Great source of information about ACDs

Loved his ACDs and his shows

Ready for a laugh !
3rd March 2012

Now don't move.........
Movin on out 

Give us a smile :)
You put your left leg in ..... and you turn around !!
"Are you Right!!
Will you get out of my mouth
Now Please! "

The Boys line up

Girls Next Please
"Hi every one ...its me, you looking. I'm doin it good......."

The Formal Stack

The casual stack

Mel shows us how its done.

The new kids are strutting their stuff.

What do you think? Is it Me ?
Does it go with my shoes?

Group line up Open Show
Beenleigh & District Kennel Club
4th Feb 2012

Best in Group
Open show
Our members are such good sports !!
New Puppy |

............Too cool for school..........................

Margaret asks " So where's your ribbons " giggle
Club Christmas Party Dec 2011
Northern Classic Kennnel Club Show 31 July 2011 |
This is how you do it. |
I'm happy to be here |
The winners ........ |
Hang on..Is that a cattle dog? |
Northern Classic Kennel Club Show 30 July 2011

Hanging out....

Line em up.
 movin out...

Cattle dog relaxing

Stack em up....
New Kid on the block
Brunswick Valley Kennel Club 16 & 17 July 2011 |
Bris Style Markets Fund Raiser 9th June 2011 |

The Scones were a croud pleaser

Workers at play
More Sausages !!!
Is this brown sugar ?
Now what was that you wanted..... |
3 JULY 2011
Congratulations to our club members - Great effort over this amazing winning weekend.
Another good day for the club ! -
Reds rule 3 group wins in one show - Great effort

All Eyes on the Ring |
The club cheer squad........
Combined CCC Clubs Sub Committee
2nd July 2011

Joe takes the helm to run our club meeting.
Job well done! !

Puppy Line up sooo.... cute

Is that for me ?
What a Top Day !
Group wins from our club !
One from each of our Australian Breeds


Relaxing around the ring

Does this bag match my boots ?


Kelpies on the move.........

YOU Looking at me !
Congratulations to Mark Armstrong he is now a life Member
A suprised Mark is congratulated by our President Craig Khuler and Vice President Jo Payne |
Members at Our Meetings
